Recently the FEMB (Federation Européenne du Mobilier de Bureau) published in cooperation with John Sacks their quarterly report on the turnover of the 100 biggest office furniture manufacturers in Europe.
Since their report is not online available anymore, and can only be obtained by email, I will not publish the whole report, but will only quote a part of it.
You can obtain the full report by sending an email to with ‘Top100’ in the subject line. Please note that the top100 is onlyavailable on a (paid) subscription basis and includes more detailed information about the office furniture market in Europe
About the report
The given numbers in the report are the result of research by John Sacks and present a global insight in the office furniture market at the moment. Not all turnovers presented in the report are the latest anual results: Some are based on information from 2015 & 2016.
The original report presents the total turnover of the 100 biggest office furniture manufacturers and splits this total turnover in ‘realised inside Europe’ and ‘realised outside Europe’.
In the table below, the turnover realised in Europe is presented as well as the total company turnover. Sometimes this also includes other products than office furniture.
About the table below
- The first column presents the current ranking of the involved companies
- The second column shows their ranking since our last publication
- The last column shows the year-on-year change in turnover.