Zero Gravity Tables, the leader in customized ergonomic office furniture, announced today it will prioritize the design and development of its sit-to-stand desktop product lines in support of research findings linking office workstation type directly to physical activity and stress of 231 US government employees.
‘Increased physical activity in open plan offices’
The study, conducted by the University of Arizona Institute on Place and Wellbeing released last month, found office workers across four different US federal office buildings in open plan offices with no partitions on their desks, routinely increased physical activity by 20% over colleagues who worked in walled cubicles, and 32% over those who sat in private offices. The more active workers also reaped benefits at home too, with measurements from wearable heart sensors finding they were 14% less stressed than their sedentary colleagues.
The researchers say write that this is the first study “to show that an open bench configuration ‘may be an unrecognised positive factor in promoting physical activity levels at work.’”
‘The research validates our company’s core mission’
“These findings raise the stakes for every organization’s workplace health and wellness programs,” said Chris Laudadio, president and CEO of Zero Gravity Tables. “Now that workstation type has been directly linked to the health and wellbeing of office workers, including stress level beyond the workplace, our company’s core mission to improve the lives of all customers has been validated.”
The combination of these research objectives and findings are a catalyst for Zero Gravity Tables business development initiatives, as an established GSA supplier already working closely with several government agencies and departments to meet workplace technology demands. The company’s goals are not just to replace, but support and continue to improve existing workstation types for customers across all industry verticals.