About Office Republic

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Telephone : +31 6 36 44 03 05
Website : officerepublic.news

About OfficeRepublic

Established in 2011 as a Dutch blog called Officenieuws, OfficeRepublic quickly developed to be the best known online magazine about office furniture in the Netherlands. In 2016 Officenieuws rebranded to OfficeRepublic, and started an English magazine as well. Since, we provide independent information about the office furniture industry in both English and Dutch. We work together with branch organisations like the European FEMB and the Dutch V.I.P.

OfficeRepublic has more than 20.000 visitors each month, of which the majority is an office furniture professional. OfficeRepublic is free. OfficeRepublic is fast. OfficeRepublic is the place to be to stay updated about news, trends, en marketinformation in the office furniture industry

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